ISNet Rolls with the Harlem Ambassadors
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Professional show basketball with a lady's touch...

This week, ISNet COO Alvin Washington is on tour with the Harlem Ambassadors as they wrap their West Coast swing for April.

(April 21)- Just returned from the last of the tour today, after playing to a capacity house in Fresno, CA. As always, another win in the books for the 4-year undefeated Ambassadors, who are led by player-coach "Ladie Majic" Prophete, a former All-American at Missouri. Majic is the first and only woman to be head coach of a men's professional basketball team and handles here own quite well, both on and off the court. Also, the Ambassadors are very much in-demand role s as evidenced by their committment to being -free, alcohol-free and -free.

To learn more about the Ambassadors and where they'll be headed, logon at their website,

We're taking a hiatus before the "REAL" fun begins on May 1, beginning with another California tour.

A map of Fresno, CA, where the Harlem Ambassadors basketball team made its latest stop.